We create a personalised Private Ignition Program for your child to help them overcome challenges and develop their talents, Your child will complete their Gold Ignition Program with unrecognisable levels of confidence, a vastly enhanced technical standard and extremely powerful results – they will have made massive progress on the huge goal they wanted to achieve!
Your child’s 1 to 1 Gold Ignition Program includes:
- 8 x 45 minute Private Ignition Lessons
- A Before & After video that shows the progress they’ve made
- A full assessment from your child’s teacher to ensure they get the absolute maximum out of the Gold Ignition Program
- A full action plan from your child’s teacher to lovingly map out the journey through the Gold Ignition Program
- A full evaluation from your child’s teacher so they feel totally confident in the progress they’ve made
- A next steps action plan from your child’s teacher so the progress doeesn’t stop when the program does. The progress has just been ignited – and your child is ready to smash the next massive goal!
- A beautiful self reflection tool so your child can see (and celebrate!) just how far they’ve come!
All for only £239!
The Gold Ignition Program is perfect when your child needs has set a massive goal and they need expert help to smash it! This is something really big that they know in their heart they can achieve, but they also know they can’t do it alone. For example, maybe they’re desperate to fast-track their progress to getting their pointe shoes, or they year to learn to headspin – or maybe they’ve set their heart on a career in professional dance or teaching. If your child’s dreams are big, the Gold Ignition Program is perfect for them.
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