Active Inclusion
Dancewise Studios is recognised as leading the UK dance studio industry in its commitment to Active Inclusion. We do this through the intentionality we bring to every element of our studio experience.
Equity is means that ensuring everyone has access to the same opportunities – we acknowledge uneven starting places and consistently commit to levelling this from studio to stage.
Inclusion is being truly valued, totally welcomed and actively celebrated for coming just as we are. Inclusion is the act of making a person part of a group where appreciation of differences is the norm, not the rarity.
“Diversity is being asked to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance” – Verna Myers
We commit to inviting everyone to the party – and very much asking them to dance!
We commit to building a culture where everyone has a strong sense of belonging through the careful construction of every element of our studio experience incorporating communication, thinking, problem solving, vision, innovation and growth. We ask questions, we listen to answers, we take action.
We commit to modeling diversity, equity and inclusion for the entire dance industry.
Examples of our commitments in action
- Working with other arts organisations around the world to ensure every dancer on the planet is actively included
- Uphold a zero tolerance policy for bullying and harassment within students, families, team and suppliers
- Make our policy accessible to the public on our website and internally to our team
- Ensure our imagery and use of language resonate with a diverse range of students
- Educate our students in our values on a weekly basis, incorporating Active Inclusion